Announcement of new CFCs gas sensor TGS832-F01/World leader in gas sensing innovation


Announcement of new CFCs gas sensor TGS832-F01

20121130095846_96.jpgFigaro has introduced a new Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) sensor TGS832-F01.
TGS832-F01 has high sensitivity to commonly used refrigerant gases in
air conditioning systems and refrigerators such as R-134a, R-404a,
R-407c, and R-410. TGS832-F01 uses filter material in its housing to
eliminate the influence of interference gases such as alcohol, resulting in highly selective response to CFCs. This feature makes the sensor ideal for stationary type leakage detectors which require durability and resistance against interference gas.
Please refer to the product information sheets available for each sensor on the Products page for further detail.

TGS832-F01 Product information>>