MOS-type gas sensors are characterized by an ability to respond to low gas concentrations. The FTVR-06 VOC component monitor employs pre-processing techniques to compress minute concentrations of gas, which are then separated in a column, allowing extremely low concentrations of gas to be measured qualitatively and quantitatively.
Precise measurement of low concentrations requires both a highly sensitive gas sensor and specialized gas concentration technology. Figaro has developed sensors that react selectively to a particular type of gas, and by applying technology whereby dispersed gas is concentrated by a factor of 100, the measurement of low gas concentrations can be achieved.
A gas chromatograph for on-site use
Measurement of gases dispersed in air is typically performed either with a device of low accuracy or, to obtain precise readings, by a complex procedure of collecting bagged samples which must be delivered to a laboratory for analysis.
Figaro’s gas chromatograph can be taken directly to a measurement site to provide precise gas measurements. If only confirmation of concentration is required, the device need not be connected to a PC. Customers consistently praise the device’s portability, simplicity, and convenience.